St. Vincent Pallotti College – Bangalore

St. Vincent Pallotti College

Approved by Govt. of Karnataka, Affiliated to Bengaluru North University

Chelikere, Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore - 560 043
The Department of Business Administration & Commerce organized an insightful Industrial Visit on January 27, 2024, to Indra Agarbatti & United Royal Cartons PVT Ltd. This visit provided students with a unique opportunity to witness the inner workings of two distinct industries. At Indra Agarbatti, students were able to observe the meticulous process of agarbatti manufacturing, from raw material procurement to the final packaging stage. They gained valuable insights into the production techniques and quality control measures employed in the incense stick industry. Similarly, the visit to United Royal Cartons PVT Ltd. offered students a comprehensive understanding of carton manufacturing processes. They were able to witness firsthand the machinery and equipment used in carton production, as well as the logistical aspects of packaging and distribution.
Overall, the Industrial Visit proved to be an enriching experience for the students, allowing them to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. By immersing themselves in real-world industrial environments, students were able to gain valuable insights into the complexities of business operations. Additionally, interacting with industry professionals provided them with valuable networking opportunities and served to inspire their academic pursuits and future career aspirations.
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