St. Vincent Pallotti College – Bangalore

St. Vincent Pallotti College

Approved by Govt. of Karnataka, Affiliated to Bengaluru North University

Chelikere, Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore - 560 043

National Cadet Corps

Welcome to the National Cadet Corps of St. Vincent Pallotti College, the NCC unit of our institution is committed to nurturing disciplined, responsible, and patriotic youth who are ready to serve the nation with pride and honor.

History of the National Cadet Corps

The National Cadet Corps, is a premier youth organization in India that aims to develop character, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure, and ideals of selfless service among young citizens. Established on 16th April 1948 under the National Cadet Corps Act, the NCC has since played a pivotal role in shaping the future leaders of our country.

Originally formed as the University Training Corps (UTC) in 1942 during World War II, the NCC has evolved over the years to become the largest uniformed youth organization in the world. It was rechristened as the National Cadet Corps in 1948 and has grown exponentially, encompassing various educational institutions across the country.

With its motto “Unity and Discipline,” the NCC has been instrumental in instilling a sense of national pride and social responsibility among the youth. Through a combination of military training, community service, and adventure activities, the NCC aims to foster qualities of leadership, camaraderie, and resilience among its cadets.

Our NCC Unit

At our college, the NCC unit is dedicated to upholding the values and traditions of the National Cadet Corps. Our program offers a diverse range of activities including drill, shooting, social service, and leadership camps, providing our cadets with a holistic learning experience.

Led by experienced officers and instructors, our NCC unit strives to empower students with essential life skills, imbibe a sense of duty towards the nation, and inspire them to contribute positively to society. Through rigorous training and practical exposure, we aim to mold our cadets into responsible citizens and future leaders who embody the spirit of service and sacrifice.

Join us at the National Cadet Corps, and embark on a journey of self-discovery, camaraderie, and nation-building! 

Jai Hind

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