St. Vincent Pallotti College – Bangalore

St. Vincent Pallotti College

Approved by Govt. of Karnataka, Affiliated to Bengaluru North University

Chelikere, Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore - 560 043
The Department of Commerce & Business Administration, in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), hosted a Workshop on Employability Skills on 10th January, 2024. This event proved instrumental in addressing students’ immediate examination requirements while also aligning with their long-term career goals as outlined in the National Education Policy (NEP). With a curriculum designed to foster holistic development, the workshop equipped students with a comprehensive toolkit essential for success in the workforce. Guided by Mr. Syed Sadathpasha, a distinguished International Career Coach and Competitive Exam Trainer, the session emphasized practical insights and interactive exercises to enhance students’ employability skills in today’s dynamic job market.
By focusing on a broad range of skills beyond academic knowledge, the workshop empowered students to not only secure employment but also thrive in their chosen careers. As the professional landscape undergoes rapid transformation, such workshops play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between academia and industry. They serve as invaluable platforms for ensuring that students are well-prepared to navigate the complexities and opportunities of the modern workplace. In essence, the Workshop on Employability Skills exemplified our commitment to providing holistic education, equipping students for success in both their academic pursuits and future endeavors.
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